"An Association For Your Rat And You"
.Inside This Issue
Infants and Toddlers
Something to think about
Puppy Strangles
Eye Problems
Developmental Stages in Pups
Buddy and Butt Contest
What People do with Rats
Wisconsin Dog Fair
The Marvelous Rat
Pack of Rats
Top photo: /buxby owned by Melissa Senelath
Bottom Left: The Puppies, Electra Blair 3 Bear Farm   Bottom Right: The Pups Peter Precourt, Amston Lake RTs
NRTA 26 Park Drive Rocky Hill, CT 06067 Phone 860-563-2293  E-mail nrta@cox.net
 Please note: Just click on the links above under Inside This Issue to take you to the articles. Some links inside the newsletter may take you out of the domain. 
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